Plz B Rox
Piscataway, New Jersey USA
Goodbye Mary; I can't remember the first time when I met you
Goodbye grogginess in the morning; I need clear-headedness
Goodbye carcinogens; you kill me slowly
Goodbye long hair; I like short hair better
Goodbye biting my nails when I'm nervous; my fingers hurt!
Goodbye banes of my existence; you make me suffer emotionally
Goodbye migraines; you make me suffer physically
Goodbye Crosby; it's been fun, but it's time to move on
Goodbye advils; thanks for the help but I don't need you anymore
Goodbye 97 Nissan Altima; along with memories of the good and the bad
Goodbye Jungle Juice; you are my bane
Goodbye Dr. A; you are my bane also
Goodbye Julie; I'm sorry
Goodbye K-Lab, Doug, Kaiyan, Peng, Ming; throw us a farewell party!
Goodbye "bad friends"; I put quotes around it, because it's an oxymoron
Goodbye rages; you are my biggest weakness
Goodbye impatience; you are my second biggest weakness
Goodbye Jane; yesterday was your last day