Pittsburgh, USA
Goodbye always wanting to be somewhere other than where I am
Goodbye F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out) when I really do want to stay home
Goodbye forgetting to water my houseplants and garden
Goodbye pressing snooze 3x before getting up
Goodbye not letting go of old love
Goodbye not welcoming new love with fully open arms
Goodbye always finding something wrong
Goodbye fleeting happiness
Goodbye interrupting people when they talk
Goodbye not recognizing something for what it is, good or bad
Goodbye friends who don't deserve my secrets or trust
Goodbye skimming over everything I read
Goodbye not visiting my 99-year old grandma more often
Goodbye so-quick-to-judge my sister
Goodbye mama I knew, but maybe I never really did anyway though I desperately wanted to
Goodbye text messaging when someone I love is talking to me
Goodbye kitty trifecta: Petunia, Bubbles, Ali
Goodbye boys who say mean things out of love
Goodbye my very first own real apartment that I dearly love
Goodbye suspicions of my dear father's motives
Goodbye watching tv while surfing the internet while talking on the phone
Goodbye hesitance to tell great people how great I think they are
Goodbye saying not-so-nice things before thinking
Goodbye fear of too much happiness
Goodbye fear of too much sadness
Goodbye my old best house -- those rites of passage, those slumber parties, those springtime bluebells, those first kisses, those dusty sadnesses goodbye