New York, New York USA
goodbye New York - had a great time here but miss people that I love and that love me...felt kind of lonely here
goodbye America - I need to live somewhere where I will be appreciated
goodbye my fear to say "I love you" --- why is one afraid to say such a basic thing?
goodbye Caroline, Linnea, Sagun and Denise - I love you and you made my stay here really special and memorable
goodbye restless student life!
goodbye Alex - I love you but it's time to move on and look for people that give back
goodbye my fear to pursue my dream to study at a film school
goodbye my fear of people I accidentaly meet or fall into a conversation with on a street - not everyone is dangerous!
goodbye my fear to express EXACTLY what I want or what I feel
goodbye my doubts about being able to create big things
goodbye to those disgusting, artificial low-fat yoghurts --- never ever again!!! it's not food, it's a torture
goodbye being too nice and polite on people that don't deserve it
goodbye 24 --->
goodbye my fear of getting 25
goodbye lonely life - let's find me a boyfriend!