Richmond, Virginia USA
Goodbye not knowing when to let go.
Goodbye fear of the unknown.
Goodbye holding myself to impossible standards.
Goodbye not holding anyone to any standard.
Goodbye settling.
Goodbye false bravado.
Goodbye shame.
Goodbye anxiety.
Goodbye to being shy.
Goodbye controlling behavior.
Goodbye being controlled.
Goodbye old me and current me.
Goodbye self doubt.
Goodbye writing off my dreams.
Goodbye letting people believe that they don't matter to me.
Goodbye to being a bad sister.
Goodbye to being a bad daughter.
Goodbye to being a bad girlfriend.
Goodbye to letting you make me feel that way.
Goodbye monotony.
Goodbye high horse.
Goodbye biting my tongue to spare your feelings.
Goodbye guilt.
Goodbye butterflies, you're better where you are.
Goodbye pack rat.
Goodbye yesterday.
Goodbye chasing ghosts or trying to outrun them.
Goodbye to trying to make you care.
Goodbye to being second best.
Goodbye to those of you who would like to break my spirit.
Goodbye to only falling for the assholes.
Goodbye to making everyone climb walls to get to know me.
Goodbye to being the shoulder to cry on.
Goodbye to all the negativity.
Goodbye to always saying goodbye.