Molly J.
Irvine, California USA
Goodbye to you, my love, my partner of 4 years, I wish you the best.
Goodbye to the fear of losing you
Goodbye to feeling inadequate
Goodbye to blaming myself
Goodbye to living for someone else
Goodbye to past energies, goodbye to living in the past.
Goodbye to self doubt, I am amazing.
Goodbye to holding on, let go, let god.
Goodbye to being hard on myself, I am now 100% on my own side.
Goodbye to keeping love for a select few, I love every single person in this world.
Goodbye to a hardened heart, I can only live with a beautiful and open heart.
Goodbye to the doubt, I will be able to live out my life alone if that is my path.
Goodbye to needing a relationship, I don't need it.
Goodbye to feeling ugly inside and out, I am so beautiful.