Veronica Extebeste
Bilbao, SPAIN
Goodbye sleeping in until 4 PM on Saturdays because you were out all night partying and busy having sex all morning.
Goodbye semi-desnatada milk, I never liked you anyway.
Goodbye friend of a friend. I don't remember your name, but I hope you enjoyed your stay.
Goodbye rain, I hope you come back, but not for months at a time.
Goodbye grumpy mornings.
Goodbye frustration and confusion.
Goodbye two scoops of sugar in every cup of coffee.
Goodbye packaged food.
Goodbye white flour, I have found whole-wheat flour and rediscovered myself.
Goodbye bad moods, I am learning to control you.
Goodbye Madrid lover, I haven't seen you in five weeks and I don't care anymore.
Goodbye stranger I met at Fever last weekend. I didn't mean to tease, but you were never actually invited to my house; I just didn't want to walk to the metro alone at 4 am.
Goodbye expectations of others, the universe no longer revolves around me and perhaps never did.
Goodbye worrying.
Goodbye talking over people in English because I am just so full of ideas.
Goodbye telling stories badly.
Goodbye not planning lessons before giving class.
Goodbye not being myself in Spanish.