Randolph, New Jersey USA
Say Goodbye to Pop's home of 60 years. I visualize strangers throwing out his so called "junk", into the dumpster thoughtlessly. The new buyers display no sentimental undertones of the memories that have accumulated in the materials they are recklessly throwing away.
Good-bye to these materials, these items, someone's precious objects that have survived decades of care.
Good-bye to my Richard, Once my stepfather, my dearest friend. I say my good-byes pure of heart, loving you always despite your madness, despite your deceptions. I will love you always for who you once were.
Good-bye friend of 20 years, my childhood, adolescent and young adulthood friend.
You know who you are? Or don't you? Regardless, I must release you from my heart as my trust in you has disintegrated. I somehow have missed that you are morally and ethically bankrupt. My frustration stems from the length of time it has taken me to realize what was so apparent.
In essence, I am saying good-bye to an unfortunate circumstance, good-bye to a loved one who has passed on, and a good-bye to the untrustworthy.
All these people have brought me great sorrow, and at times much joy.
So my good-bye is only aimed at the horrendous sorrow, and I say hello to what joy is to come.