Beloit, Wisconsin USA
Age 6:
1. Stick with piano, even though you hate it, you'll regret quitting when you hit your teens. And don't worry about your relationship with Dad. The fighting will stop and so will the yelling.
Age 8:
2. Don't be so upset about moving to the Netherlands. You won't end up staying there as log as you think, and you're going to miss it when you come back to the States. So try to enjoy it more! And also, get to know Mira. She will become your best friend.
Age 13:
3. You need to get out of that friendship with Mattie. She is manipulative, controlling and selfish. If you get out now, you can spare yourself a lot of pain, sadness and anger.
Age 17:
4. Do NOT start crushing on Evan. Don't even go there. Also, when you throw that house party, make sure you get that nasty condom out of Mom and Dad's bed so they won't find it and bust you.