
Him: Hi there babe, just wanted to hear your voice.
Me: That's nice...always good to hear from you.
Him: I love the way we connect so well.
Me: Mmm yes we connected from the beginning...it just happened...
Him: Do you mind if I call you sometimes.
Me: Anytime babe...you can call me anytime...
Him: Maybe sometime in the next few months we can plan a weekend together.
Me: Hey I would like that, then I can get to have you for two days, we live so far apart that sometimes it is hard to get together.
Him: Indeed, but you know to me you are gorgeous, no matter how far away you are.
Me: Thanks babe, I think you are wonderful as well.
Him: Well I have to go now, you have a good day...
Me: It was really nice to get this phone call...you have a good day too...
Him: How am I going to put kisses on this message (he laughs)
Me: I know you have babe, you always do...kisses to you too...
Him: ...bye now....chat to you soon...
Me: ka kite ano babe. ..