Jason Burns
Massachusetts, USA
Email Jason
J: So how's _____ ? Are things going well?
S: You don't have to ask about him, if it makes you uncomfortable.
J: I'm not uncomfortable with it. If I was I wouldn't bring it up.
S: Thing's are fine. He's really good, really solid , but I'm kind of afraid he's in love with me. Are you sure you weren't just being nice?
J: Positive. I'm not a kid anymore, I know where we stand with each other and I can accept it.
S: That's really good. I'm really proud of you for that. (long pause) Still, just because we aren't together anymore, you know you'll always be the -
J: Don't start with that. I felt offended the last time.
S: Why?
J: Because. Do you honestly think, I want to sit here and hear about how things are going good between you two, but then be told I'm the love of your life? It makes no sense.
S: It does to me.
J: Good for you. Listen, I asked how he was, and I was being sincere. I wasn't asking how you felt about me.
(long pause)
S: Sorry. Yeah he's good, kind of has an ego, but