La Vergne, Tennessee USA
Robert (life partner):
Its' 10pm September 10th,2007. i am at work, and Becky is at home. i bet she is working on her school work. or she is doing laundry or cleaning up the house. after that she will get ready for bed. when she gets ready for bed she will let bobo (our dog) out to potty and after that they will o to bed .
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Amber (youngest daughter):
Right now my mom is doing her homework. She is studying for a test that is coming up soon. My mom likes the room to be quiet while she is busy doing her homework.She is also going over her other classes so that they can be turned in on time.
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Crystal (middle daughter):
Right now i would say that my mom is working on her school work again. we worked together on our schoolwork earlier today together( we are both in college). but i know that she had other things to get done before tomorrow.