Shellie Moser
Danville, California USA
Email Shellie
I am a palliative care nurse and part of my job is to enable people to journey to the end of this life and the beginning of the next in as little pain as possible and to not be alone while doing it. I spent one day a couple of weeks ago reading to a patient of mine who was unresponsive. He and I had become good friends during his stay. It was now time for him to leave and his family was not here yet. As I held his hand he would have tremors and small jerking movements. I thought perhaps he did not want me to hold his hand, but as I started to let go, his hand searched for mine and I grasped his. We sat there for some time in silence, but I would also sing and pray and just talk so that he would know I was there for him. It is my favorite part of my job. I hope when it is my turn that there is someone there to hold my hand and let me know that I am not alone.